In this gripping tale of deception and hidden truths within a family, the protagonist, a daughter named Tye, unravels startling revelations about her family's complex history. The family patriarch, Reverend Steps, has harbored long-buried secrets but has finally chosen to reveal them. As Tye delves deeper into the shocking truths, she uncovers a revelation beyond her wildest imagination. Overwhelmed with horror, she makes the gut-wrenching decision to depart from her family and disown her ties to them. In this Christian family, what bombshell could have compelled this permanent decision?
Hidden Family Ties And Lies
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Hidden Family Ties And Lies – A Short Story
Format: Digital eBook
Pages: 18
eBooks By Crooks Publishers (January 2023)
Language: English
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
List Price: $1.49