It is crucial for prisoners reentering society to be prepared. To navigate the challenges ahead, they must be well-informed and equipped with strong transition skills. Our Welcome Home Survival Guides are easy to read and incorporate into reentry training programs.
Facilitator Session Plan
Facilitator Session Plans are an instructor’s resource to help introduce the content of the Welcome Home Survival Guides quickly and easily. Say goodbye to hours of planning and hello to a hassle-free educational journey for both you and your returning residents.
Session Plan
Welcome Home Survival Guide Facilitator Session Plan
This six-part Welcome Home Survival Guide Training Series is packed with insightful exercises and revealing examples, questionnaires, ideas for group discussions, blanks to fill in, case studies, reproducible worksheets—written in an easy, readable style, using real-world language, straight talk, returning residents can relate to from their life experiences. The Facilitator Session Plan complements and highlights strategies learned in the survival guides, one for each survival guide.
Series Titles:
1. Preparation Is The Key 4. The Power of Self-Esteem
2. Sharpen Your Survival Skills 5. Get That Job & Keep It!
3. Goal Setting For Survival 6. My Welcome Home Reentry Plan
The Welcome Home Survival Guides are a quick read and user-friendly. They are not gender specific.